Why do people spend time on Instagram?
Most people don't use social media to purchase or order something. It's typically the last thing they think about.
When you want to repair something, order a service, or ask for advice, anyone first goes through a mental list of acquaintances who does this.
When you need to fix something, hire a service, or seek for advice, you often think of people you know who can help you.
Like… “my mate is a plumber, dentist, whoever” recommended by a friend, acquaintances recommended a car mechanic specialist.
People buy form people. To attract customers from Instagram or any social network, you need to become their specialist. Social networks are perfect for achieving this goal because people buy and order from people.
In today's world, it takes more than 21 interactions before someone trusts you as a professional. “An interaction” is when someone sees a piece of content that you publish.
Your followers may follow you for years before becoming clients, but this is valuable because they tend to be very loyal due to their long-standing relationship with you.
Managing an Instagram account should be your regular task, but it's important to remember to dedicate consistent effort to it. It's always tempting to accept offers that promise quick profile growth and unprecedented activity, but be wary because they are most likely scams. These types of promotions can harm your profile, so it's important to be cautious.
Mistakes in managing social media
Most common mistakes that push you away from customers:

Posting content for your colleagues but not your target audience. You might feel like you need to show off how smart you are by posting really complicated content. But the people you work with aren't going to be the ones buying your product or service. That's why it's important to create content that's easy to understand, even if you're not talking to experts in your field. The first rule is to use simple and client-oriented language that your clients will understand.
Post what you like yourself. As a result, the page is filled with "archaous" photos in stories that are unclear to those who’s watching. The value of such content for subscribers is extremely low. And the result is the same.
Only personal or professional content. Your profile should show off who you are If you post only personal or too professional content that’s not gonna work at all. if your content is too personal, an outsider might not even know what the person does. If its too professional, then customers might think that your page is for architects, and you don’t have what they need.
No consistency. What's bad?
  • Publishing a lot of posts all at once
  • Only posting content once a year
To manage social media, you need a plan and a habit. For the first 3 weeks, spend most of your time on your Instagram profile. Put maximum effort to make a regular and user-oriented contet. This will help you develop a habit and understand the basics. This guide will help you to understand what exactly you gonna do.

No payed ads, lack of traffic. Don't just depend on hashtags or reels for growth. These methods are free of charge, but it takes a while. Don't only use free promotion methods. Remember, when you organize your profile and regularly post quality content, payed ads can be a good option at some point.
Poor Instagram profile:
Make a good first impression. Your profile is often the first thing a potential client sees. The first contact with a potential client is crucial. Keep it authentic. Don't try to be something you're not. If the profile is unappealing or fails to build trust during this initial contact, the person will leave. Branded accounts often make this mistake, neglecting the core of social media. But social media is about connecting with people, not just pushing your brand. Remember that social media is about human connections. Its about “from people to people”
Misunderstanding your target audience and their needs. If you don't know who you're trying to reach or why you're using Instagram, you may have trouble.

Instagram is a way to share your thoughts and ideas. What do you share with your followers? What do your followers already know about you from Instagram, and what don't they know yet? Why don't they know it yet?
Who’s your client? Defining your target audience
Before you begin managing social media for your business, it's important to get to know your ideal customer. Who do you need to attract in order to develop your business? Here's a suggestion:
Start by recalling your best customers. Who was easy and pleasant to work with? Consider giving them a call or arranging a meeting.
Chat with your clients using this template to learn more about them:
  • Why did they choose you to work with? What did they like about your work?
  • What were their doubts or objections when looking for an architect (designer, 3D artist)? What criteria did they use to make a decision? What did they pay attention to?
  • What could have turned them away? What didn't they understand at that time?
  • What does their ideal collaboration look like? How would it work?
Collect these answers. You will find a lot in common. This is what you need to convey about yourself on Instagram.
Gather feedback and information about your ideal clients constantly. Specifically, those with whom you would like to work the most.
This is what you should clearly understand after this research:
  • Who are they exactly? Their gender, average age, profession, level of prosperity, and location (country, city if local)?
  • What type of projects do they order and why?
  • What motivates them to seek out specialists like you? Why did they choose you?
  • What factors may push them away? Did they have any negative experiences? What don’t they want to do or to happen with them? What is the most crucial factor in their decision-making process? Remember that price alone is not always the most important factor. If you consider that the price is the main thing, your research didn’t go well
Your offer
Let's talk about your unique selling proposition. This is what sets you apart from others in your field. Exciting, right? To create an irresistible offer, answer these questions:
  1. What makes you stand out?
  2. Why should the client choose you?
This can be your unique experience in implementing specific projects. For example, clear and compressed deadlines, or certain guarantees for your work.
Why you? What will the client lose by not working with you?
So, why should the client choose you? What will they miss out on if they don't work with you?
Your offer should be all about what makes you unique, how easy it is to work with you, and maybe even some promises you can make.
Picture this: you're talking to a potential client and they keep hitting you with a "So what?" every time you try to make a proposal.
You: "We have rich experience." Them: "So what? What's in it for me?"
You: "We have rich experience that eliminates the risk of project problems, plus we guarantee our work and provide error-free results." Them: "Better."
See, your offer needs to be crystal clear and easy for your client to understand. Don't be slippery with it.
So, "Exclusive design" - not good at all. But how about "Turnkey interior design in Art Deco style with guarantee" - now that's much better, don't you think?

Here is the template that should work: "Let's whip up a dope [what?] dream home [for what purpose?] for a chill life [in what time frame?] in just 3 months. [without what?] No stress or endless revisions [how will you prove it?], or we'll hook you up with a full refund. [how to get it?] Hit us up ASAP [why now?], we only got one free slot left.”

Check out our own well-working-example:
”Are you having trouble getting clients from social media? No worries, we can make it out together.
Book a personal call with us, where we'll work together to get clients from Instagram in just one hour. You’ll get ready to go with your insta, just follow the plan to crash it!
No fluff, just straight-up help tailored to your specific needs.
Click calendly link and book your time now, or never. (This type of service avaliable this month only)”

It works well, and yeah, this is real so u can use it and we’ll help you to make good stuff ????
Profile picture
So, first things first. You gotta decide if you're using Instagram as a brand or as a personal brand. We suggest going the personal route and building up your personal brand even more. It just makes sense, because people buy from people! People trust other people more than they trust faceless companies.
Now, when it comes to picking out a profile pic, you wanna choose a photo that really stands out. Look for something that has a neutral background and is preferably professional or high-quality. Make sure your face is showing and that you're not wearing any glasses, scarves, or anything that could hide your face. And don't forget to give them a smile! :)
Profile Name @username - You can choose anything you like. But it's better if it's simple and easy to understand, like you're explaining it to your grandma over the phone. Can she write it down correctly? It's awesome if it includes your profession since it helps people find you in searches.
Profile name. This is where people usually write their boring old name. But don't be like everyone else! Instead, write your profession or specialty. Instagram algorithms actually pay attention to this field when searching, so it's important to make it count! Try something like Architect, Designer, or Architect | John Doe. Or whatever title will help people find you. Trust me, this will totally boost your chances of getting noticed on Instagram.
Description. So, here should be your USP. Tell them what makes you stand out and how you can be legit helpful. Why it's worth subscribing to your blog and why someone would want subscribing.
Link. Just share a link to your portfolio website. If you keep it updated and post your work frequently on your insta, people will be interested in your services when they visit. Don’t have a website? Then you can set up What’s App or Calendly link instead, so you can just hash out the details over messenger or e-mail before Calendly meeting. Once the person visits the chat, they will already be interested in your services.
The Whatsapp link should be of the following form: https://wa.me/487775544 - the first digits are the country code in international format.

Post feed. We think you shouldn't worry too much about making your posts look super pretty with fancy formatting. It used to be a trendyl, but now it's not that important. However, we suggest putting the actual title of your post on each cover. That way, your followers and anyone checking out your page can easily see what your post is about and navigate your feed more easily. Cool, right?
The content is all we can do
So what to post on Instagram?
As we said before, posting only professional or personal stuff isn't the way to go.
If you only post personal stuff, your followers might not even know you're a pro in your field. And it's not like people are out there just following random personal profiles all the time.
On the other hand, posting professional stuff, like, it's gotta be interesting enough for your followers to care about. We'll break it down more for ya later on.
So what to post?
We think it's a good idea to aim for an 80/20 ratio when it comes to posts: 80% professional content and 20% personal content. Even when you share personal stuff, try to tie it back to your profession.
Your profile should have a good mix of professional and personal content. Your work is a big part of your life, but don't forget about the fun stuff too!
When it comes to stories, flip the ratio: go for 80% personal and 20% professional.
You can also go for 100% personal stories or 100% professional feed.
At the end of the day, it's up to you to decide what balance works best for you. Have fun with it!
But personal content should be present in your posts. People first get to know you as a person, and then as a cool professional. They want to see the person behind the professional.
Don't invent a fake image. People can sense that very well. Just post what you like, but in accordance with a plan and regularity. Sincerity inspires trust and loyalty from your followers. They like you as you are, and you will attract people who are similar to you and share your values.
What content to publish? Posts formats
Sharing your amazing work! Show off what you've created, whether it's drawings, sketches, cool 3D models, visualizations, or awesome photos of the finished project. You can even present one project in a whole carousel of images to show off the process and make sure you give us a good story about how you did it, who it was for, what task you solved, any gnarly difficulties you experienced, any unique ideas you had, how the client responded, and how stoked you are about it. Don't forget to describe the project in detail since you put so much heart into it! And let everyone know that you're down to collaborate and provide your profile name via @username.
Project creation story. It could be a long-term project, creative searches, ideas.
Virtual Tour: Let's make a sweet video of an exhibit, your workplace, or interviews with your team and employees. People love getting a peek behind the curtain!
Detailed answer to an unasked question. Tell your professional opinion on something in simple words. From the environment to smart home systems, or why not to buy a particular interior item, what not to save on, etc. This may seem simple, but it is exactly the content that will attract potential customers. Your profile is for your clients, not colleagues.
Answering the unasked questions your clients actually care about! Share your expert opinion on topics like the environment, smart home systems, or why investing in quality interior items is crucial. This type of content can help you attract potential customers to your profile. Remember, your profile is not just for your clients, but not your colleagues too! ????
Materials and technologies. Most likely, you often have contact with novelties in your field of activity: new materials, technologies, approaches, principles. Tell about it, what cool things you have learned recently!
Communicate with subscribers. Ask them how they feel about an important topic, and encourage everyone to respond with comments.
Content Plan Posts. So, our "Instagram for Architects" course has this super cool "eternal" content plan system. Basically, we've created some fancy technology that lets us come up with 60 topics for you, which means you won't have to worry about what to write for the next year! Plus, we've got this unique "Eternal Post Carousel" thing that automagically generates new posts for you, so you don't have to lift a finger. We'll give you more deets on how to use it later.
Should you even bother with making your posts look pretty? Nah. The content itself is what really matters - how interesting it is to read. So, who cares if your posts look like a jumbled mess in your feed, like a game of Tetris?
Publish only high-quality images. Remember that they are viewed on a small mobile phone screen.
Hey there! If you wanna share a project, make it pop by including a "carousel" of images and text from different angles, drawings, or notes. Don't forget to make the first image super high quality and add the project title and a brief description to catch people's eye.
Right after sharing the post, get the conversation going by responding to your subscribers' comments and reposting the post in your stories. This will keep their interest and engagement up during the first few hours after posting.
You can pin the most popular or important posts in your feed, so your subscribers will always have access to them.
How often should you post?
We recommend publishing 1-2 posts each week. It's important to maintain a consistent schedule and avoid taking long breaks.
It's better to focus on creating quality posts rather than posting frequently just to keep up with a schedule. When starting out, it's okay to post every day until you have a "grid" of 12 posts on one screen.
Once you've reached this point, you can slow down the pace a bit.
So, some peeps only watch stories and don't care about the post feed. Others, though, only read the post feed and don't watch stories. If you're one of those groups, don't assume everyone else thinks the same way. You gotta post high-quality content in both places.
Creating stories can be a pain for some, but it's just a matter of getting used to it and having the right approach.
Why post stories? To show yourself not only as a pro but also as a regular person. This creates trust and a connection with your followers. Some randoms could become your followers and watch your content for a long time. Eventually, they'll become loyal and may even become your client.
When you meet a client, it'll feel like they've known you for ages. This will be the case if you manage your social media accounts correctly and post regularly.
Main principles of stories
  1. Share stories. It may sound simple, but stories are meant to be shared. So go ahead and share them!
  2. One story should focus on a single idea or event, so avoid trying to include too many ideas in one story. Stick to just one idea or event per story, cause that's gonna make things confusing.
  3. Make storylines. Connect stories together so people can easily understand the message and be stoked to watch them. Keep in mind that many people watch stories with no sound, so if the story is just a person talking, add a brief summary in text about the topic. And most importantly, make sure all the stories are tied together in one coherent storyline, so viewers will stick around until the very end!
  4. Avoid the “arthouse”. No big words. This sunset or landscape is nice but why should your audience care? Does it make you feel something or think about something? Share your thoughts.
  5. Regular Posting. Spread out your story posts over time to space them out a bit. They only last for 24 hours, so if you put everything up all at once, it'll all disappear in a flash. But if you post regularly, you can keep your avatar right at the top of your subscribers' story feed, and that'll give them to keep watching your stories.
  6. Variety. Use different formats to keep the viewer engaged: photos, simple text on a consistent background, talking head, question stickers, swipe with a reaction, more photos, video, and another talking head. This keeps the viewer engaged.
Don't even worry about telling stories like you're talking to yourself. It might've been weird ten years ago, but now it's totally normal and there's a ton of potential in it.
How Many Stories to Publish
Publishing 10-15 stories per day is enough That's what you're currently doing. You can record a story on your phone right now, telling your followers what you're up to. It's super easy!
If the event is large, just break it up into multiple of stories. You can find story ideas everywhere, so you never gonna run out.
Don't take long breaks between your stories! Don't take long breaks between your stories! You don't want your audience to lose interest. Keep your avatar in their minds at all times!
What to post in stories
What's happening right now? How are you feeling?
Daily routine as a ritual. It's strange, but people love to see how others live. It can be washing a car, going to the park, or to the store.
Work process on a project
Meeting with colleagues, or how you're preparing for a meeting
Tour of your studio, office, production, or interesting corners of a space
What are you reading now? Review of a book, interesting thoughts
Review of a movie, what you're watching now, or what TV show?
Favorite art in your city and how it has influenced you
Favorite producers, brands, and materials
Question and answer: Place a "ask a question" sticker and provide answers. Life hack: You can ask yourself a question and answer it, thus guiding the storyline.
Swipe it like stories:
These are pinned "eternal" stories that will never die, like a zombie or something.
You can add other navigation and information to the highlights, like:
  • How people can get in touch with you
  • Reviews from satisfied (or upset) clients
  • The lowdown on you, your studio, your team, or your office
  • Your guiding principles, approaches, and philosophy
  • Your best, top-of-the-line work
  • Publications about you in the media or exhibitions you've been in
This is just a quick overview of your profile, so make sure you keep it fresh and up-to-date.
How to create highlights
  1. Publish a story
  2. Click on the highlight at the bottom. Choose or create a new section.
It’s a rapidly gaining format that's blowing up. It's basically a Tik-Tok ripoff, but who cares?
Anyway, why is it helpful? Well, It gets your videos a bunch of views without even trying. Plus, it's like free advertising for your profile. What can go wrong with that, right?
When to Use Reels
Every time when it's easier to shoot a video than to write a lot of text and take photos. Have a cool team? Record an interview video with the participants. Visited a cool place? Record a short video. Want to share or talk about something? Reels are a great way to do that. In general, the Reels format can be used instead of posts.
We recommend using this format if it's easy for you. If creating Reels is not your thing, then don't force yourself and find someone else to do it. Creating content should be enjoyable, and good, attractive content only appears when you enjoy making it. So if you can't do that for some reason, turn on your entrepreneurship.
Reels are primarily used to attract new subscribers organically.
Creating Reels: Features and Tips
Timing is key. For optimal engagement, keep your reels short, around 15-20 seconds long. Longer reels tend to lose viewers before the end, so make sure to hook them early on. Completing the reel is the most important indicator of success. If your reels are watched until the end, the social network will evaluate your content as interesting and recommend it to other users.
Comments are crucial. If your topic is interesting, people will start commenting. While someone is writing a comment under your reel, the reel will scroll a few times from start to finish, which helps with organic growth and ranking.
When you publish a reel in the feed, also publish it in your story to increase its reach. This is especially important in the early stages after publication.
Consistency is also a key. If you want reels to drive traffic, publish them regularly, at least 4 times a week. We recommend filming a pool of videos in advance to ensure a steady stream of content.
How to Get Ideas for Reels?
To get ideas for Reels, you can follow these simple steps:
  • Look for trends on Tik-Tok. Find top videos that have gained many views and likes on your topic, and study their presentation and editing style. You can adapt these ideas for your own content, but it's important to add your own unique perspective and not just copy them exactly.
  • Create a content plan for your posts. If you're comfortable with it, you can even tell personal stories on camera. With practice, you will become more confident. In our experience, after making 10-20 videos, you will feel much more comfortable creating Reels.
How to Make a Great Video
  1. Start off strong! Introduce your theme in the first couple of seconds to grab your viewer's attention.
  2. Keep things interesting by adding dynamics to your video. Try changing camera angles every 3-5 seconds. If you're filming a "talking head" style video, mix it up by using cropping or inserting images and other videos to illustrate your points.
  3. End your video with a call to action. Ask your viewers to subscribe, leave a comment, or visit your website.
  4. Don't forget to add a text description of what you're talking about. You can do this easily with the CapCut program.
P.S. This guide is just the tip of the iceberg! If you want to learn more about video creation, check out our course "Instagram for Architects and Designers." We've got a whole module dedicated to creating interesting videos that will help you gain more followers on Instagram!
How to Get More Subscribers and Traffic
Quality Beats Quantity
It's not all about quantity! The most important factor is to have high-quality subscribers. Don't fall for account boosting services and giveaways. If you're offered a ton of subscribers for a small amount of cash, it will actually hurt your account! It's better to have 5,000 real and active subscribers than 500,000 fake bots.
If you've used account boosting services before, it's better to start fresh with a new account.
Your profile should grow organically by posting interesting and high-quality content and using built-in promotion tools like Facebook/Instagram internal advertising, hashtags, and social media recommendations..
Tags for Public Profile
Share your work to other large public profiles that showcase architects' work by tagging them (@username).
Here is a list of accounts that you can tag when publishing your projects on your Instagram feed. Please tag 10-12 accounts.
Remember to ensure that your profile posts match the style of these communities. Evaluate your level objectively and avoid spamming.
So in our training program, we teach you the whole shebang - how to make a list, pick out what you need, and figure out what's up with your subs.


Hashtags can be popular or not so popular.
Popularity is the number of posts that use the hashtag. The more popular the hashtag, the harder it is to get your post in the top section. But it's still a good idea to use them.
Instagram allows up to 30 hashtags per post.
We suggest creating 2-3 unique, personal hashtags that will make you stand out from your rivals and give your brand a personal touch over time.
For example, #rendercourses. Over time, you'll be able to find all of our posts by searching for this hashtag. It's very useful.
How to Hide Hashtags
To draw attention to the post text, hashtags can be placed in comments instead of adding them to the post itself. This trick works on the same principle.
Here's another life hack that will allow you to hide hashtags:
  • Write any comment on your post.
  • Add a response to this comment and write your hashtags in it.
  • Delete the first comment. The second comment will automatically be hidden, but the hashtags will still work. This means that your post will be displayed according to the written hashtag.
Top hashtags
Don't just copy and paste those hashtags. Type 'em out yourself if you don't wanna get blocked by Instagram.
Only use the hashtags that are relevant to your post?
Hashtag frequency is all about how many posts there are with that hashtag. For example, #luxuryhomes has almost 10 million posts, so it's considered high frequency.
Here's how you should distribute your hashtags, yo:
30% - high frequency hashtags with millions of posts
30% - medium frequency hashtags (up to a million)
30% - low frequency ones related to the topic (having a few thousand posts)
The rest of them should be your personal hashtags?
Paid Promotion
We all know that organic growth is great, but it can be a real drag when it's super slow. That's why we always suggest using paid promotion from Facebook itself.
At first, we'd say don't worry about getting into all this nasty details of setting up an advertising account. Just go ahead and use Facebook's automatic promotion of your post. The blue button under your each insta-post. Their neural network will figure out who's a good fit for you and show them your posts. Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
When to Start Paid Promotion
  1. Only start paid promotion when you're 100% sure that you haven't used any account boosting. Cheating's not cool!
  2. Start paid promotion when you've already published posts, stories, and are regularly working on your profile. Imagine the internet traffic as water, and your profile as a mill. If the mill isn't ready or broken, water won't help. If there's no water, it won't work either. So, the quality and regularity of your content are as important as traffic. But before pouring traffic into your profile, it should be filled with posts , and all the actions mentioned above done.
  3. Start paid promotion when you already have some organic subscribers. If before turning on traffic, your colleagues were the only ones subscribing, then Facebook will keep showing your posts to the same colleagues. Why bother if they won't buy anything from you? So, try collecting the first 1-2 thousand subscribers organically using hashtags before turning on paid promotion.
How to Start Paid Promotion of Posts through the Promote Button
  1. First, you need to change your account from personal to business in Settings.
  2. Pick a post to promote. I suggest selecting 3-4 of your most popular posts at the same time, and then compare how each one performs. How to know which post is the most popular? It's the one with the most likes, reposts, and saves.
  3. After you have transformed your profile to a business account, you'll see a blue promote button beneath your post. Click on it.
  4. Determine your promotion objective: More profile visits. This way, you can get more subscribers.
  5. Select the target audience: automatic. Instagram will show your posts to users most similar to your subscribers. That's why it's crucial to have real followers subscribed to you, and as few colleagues as possible.
  6. Establish the daily budget and duration. Set the minimum budget and a period of 3-4 days.
  7. Launch promotion campaigns for 3-4 different posts. After a couple of days, you can select the one that gives you the most subscribers for the least budget.
  8. You can repeat this process for other posts until you find the most effective ones. Then, you can expand your budget for faster growth.
Placing Ads with Partners
So there are a bunch of groups and communities that allow ads. Hit up the community administrator and ask about ad placement. Only choose communities that match your vibe and style, ya dig?
For just $100 to $200, you can get a post with coverage in the thousands, and attract a bunch of new subscribers to your profile. Make sure you haggle with groups where your target audience is likely to be found, not with your peeps. Check out groups dedicated to architecture and interior design, which are browsed by your potential clients for inspiration.
You can also team up with related specialists and manufacturers. For example, a manufacturer of finishing materials can post information with a link to you in their story, and you can do the same for them. This way, you can swap audiences and both reap the benefits.
Social networks, including Instagram, are a great way to attract customers to your business. However, to use them effectively, you need to understand that people do not go on social media to make purchases. They are looking for experts who can help them. Therefore, to attract customers, you need to become a kind of expert for them. This can be achieved by regularly publishing quality content and establishing trusting relationships. It is also important to avoid common mistakes in social media management, such as publishing content for colleagues, posting only what you like, not understanding your target audience, and lacking consistency. To successfully attract customers from social networks, you need to define the profile of your ideal customer and understand what information and ideas you are conveying to your audience.