Sharing your amazing work! Show off what you've created, whether it's drawings, sketches, cool 3D models, visualizations, or awesome photos of the finished project. You can even present one project in a whole carousel of images to show off the process and make sure you give us a good story about how you did it, who it was for, what task you solved, any gnarly difficulties you experienced, any unique ideas you had, how the client responded, and how stoked you are about it. Don't forget to describe the project in detail since you put so much heart into it! And let everyone know that you're down to collaborate and provide your profile name via @username.
Project creation story. It could be a long-term project, creative searches, ideas.
Virtual Tour: Let's make a sweet video of an exhibit, your workplace, or interviews with your team and employees. People love getting a peek behind the curtain!
Detailed answer to an unasked question. Tell your professional opinion on something in simple words. From the environment to smart home systems, or why not to buy a particular interior item, what not to save on, etc. This may seem simple, but it is exactly the content that will attract potential customers. Your profile is for your clients, not colleagues.
Answering the unasked questions your clients actually care about! Share your expert opinion on topics like the environment, smart home systems, or why investing in quality interior items is crucial. This type of content can help you attract potential customers to your profile. Remember, your profile is not just for your clients, but not your colleagues too! ????
Materials and technologies. Most likely, you often have contact with novelties in your field of activity: new materials, technologies, approaches, principles. Tell about it, what cool things you have learned recently!
Communicate with subscribers. Ask them how they feel about an important topic, and encourage everyone to respond with comments.
Content Plan Posts. So, our "Instagram for Architects" course has this super cool "eternal" content plan system. Basically, we've created some fancy technology that lets us come up with 60 topics for you, which means you won't have to worry about what to write for the next year! Plus, we've got this unique "Eternal Post Carousel" thing that automagically generates new posts for you, so you don't have to lift a finger. We'll give you more deets on how to use it later.
Should you even bother with making your posts look pretty? Nah. The content itself is what really matters - how interesting it is to read. So, who cares if your posts look like a jumbled mess in your feed, like a game of Tetris?
Publish only high-quality images. Remember that they are viewed on a small mobile phone screen.
Hey there! If you wanna share a project, make it pop by including a "carousel" of images and text from different angles, drawings, or notes. Don't forget to make the first image super high quality and add the project title and a brief description to catch people's eye.
Right after sharing the post, get the conversation going by responding to your subscribers' comments and reposting the post in your stories. This will keep their interest and engagement up during the first few hours after posting.
You can pin the most popular or important posts in your feed, so your subscribers will always have access to them.